So I've had an interesting couple weeks. Nothing incredibly special, but all worth noting.
Had our first evacuation at the Jungle Cruise. Inside the temple is the emergency evac point in case something happens... It's never been used before... Until like last week. I don't know the circumstances, but thats a sure fire way to ruin a guests trip - behind the scenes isn't pretty haha.
You've all heard about the Monorail accident I assume. The verdict at the end was that the Monorail where the driver got killed was on the wrong track. The media around here was ridiculous - cars and pushy people all over - in front of the Disney main gates, wandering parking lots, trying to get glimpses of the broken Monorail still stuck at the Transportation and Ticket Centre.. As well as Disney Fuzz trying their hardest to shoo them away. As employees we all got a script to say to guests.. which was surprisingly revealing as it said that "We are mourning the death of a cast member" among other things. Even more interesting though was that the day after the accident, the park was dead. If the park drops below like 10 000 guests, they debate closing the park early - well we were at peak with 8 000 people. The Jungle Cruise was so pathetic, like maybe a half full boat, and then the next 3 boats would be dead. It was so stupid. We also don't know if it was due to reduced transportation (all of the Monorail system being shut down) or people boycotting Disney.
Had a really great 2 days off. It rained both days for the most part, but I still had a great time. Spent almost the two days straight with Brett - the first day we decided to go to Daytona Beach. Driving down was fun, no rain.. But the second we got to the beach, downpour haha.. So we scooted by the second tallest lighthouse in the U.S and said some "oohhs and aahhss" before deciding that we'd head to Cracker Barrel. After that, and some weather clearing, we went back to the beach and rode some high waves for bout an hour, before getting rained out again. We then drove home (listening to Disney songs). We went to a party later that night for his roomie's birthday where tonnes of people came and played music real loud. haha, we ended up disappearing and watched corny Disney movies til the morning.
The next day was simpler, he went to casting to find out about becoming full time employee, and I did laundry and cleaning of the apartment. We then converged and went to Downtown Disney - where we watched the movie "Up" (soo cute) and did some shopping. Then to Property Control to find him a watch - then Taco Bell back at my place. The night was spent at Fort Wilderness at their movie drive in thing (Mary Poppins)- complete with smores and a few random boat rides. Yes mom, they were dates, and I'm finding that this guy is really great.
Oh, we had our Apartment Inspection this morning - they came in, put check marks everywhere, told us we need to better wipe down the fridge and freezer next time - gave us some cookies and "Passed" us. 3 days of cleaning for less than 5 minutes of checking seems highly unfair haha. And all for some lousy cookies... If we had failed though, each of us would have had to pay $25, so I guess cookies sounds pretty good. I'm really hopin and prayin that the apartment stays this clean - it looks amazing!!!
Um, I'm sorry I'm such a huge slacker on the visual aspect of blogging. I haven't taken a lot of pictures, and definitely none of me yet (except the blurry one above) - plus doing videos annoys me so badly since my computer rarely does them right. I've been going to a lot of get-togethers with skipper friends this week though, so hopefully some of those pictures will emerge on Facebook and I can steal them to put on here. I have yet another tonight only 2 buildings away so we'll see if some pics can be taken then haha.
I miss you guys - feel free to ask questions or fire me emails. When I do sit down to my computer, I'm pretty bored. Love you !!
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