Stupid May 9th post didn't work. Oh Mr. Techie Paul, I need a way to record a video using my Mac webcam without it stopping randomly somewhere in the beginning and not telling me, so I think I'm recording an 8 minute long video, when in actuality only like 2 minutes is taped. It's infuriating if you get my drift....
Its been a busy couple of days. I'm being crammed with so much information that is supposed to become natural it's scary. On my first day of on the job training, we learned stuff like how to drive, steer, reverse and park a boat... the timings that are needed when loading and unloading, since a boat should be full and off within 58 seconds.. and opening checklist for "on stage", aka what you guys would see if you came. It involves checking for debris and broken stuff, checking to make sure all the fire extinguishers work, making sure all ropes are in good condition, etc. That day we also got out spiels, which are like 12 pages long. In fact, that is what today at work is supposed to be completely, learning out spiels by riding a million boats and listening to others, and then spieling to our trainer a million times. Kinda nerve wracking!
Oh, my trainer is awesome. He's funny and teaches by example. I'm a visual learner so it works well for how I learn. He said most other trainers like to teach in a classroom first and then throw you out onto the boat, or the dock to do the job (which is really confusing to translate from paper instructions). My trainer, who's name is Sean, lets you watch how he does the job, then asks you to do the job a few times, then tells you what to do better, and lets you do it until you are comfortable with it. So.. yesterday we spent like an hour just doing "Merger". Then like 2 hours unloading guests... All until we felt confident doing it.
Theres like ten positions you can have, and in one shift, you're likely to do all of them 2 or 3 times. Theres two loaders for boats, and one guy that times everything, counts people etc. Theres one person called the Merger who chooses whichline people go to, once they take their fastpass. Theres the fastpass distributor up at the front and a fastpass checker also at the front. Theres a greeter who wanders around the entrance getting baked by the sun too. There are usually about 4 or 5 people who help with unloading at one time. Theres also someone who acts as wheelchair assist (who may or may not be there). There should also be two managers who wander around (these positions are held by.. well.. managers only). Oh, and of course, there's being a skipper on the boats - spieling and driving.
Yesterday flew by, I felt like an 8 hour shift went by in 3 hours. I understand now why people try to "extend" their shift each day (something you request during your shift, and is approved or declined before the end of your shift)... I was wide awake and still in work mode when I got home, I would have been able to work until 7 or 8 (instead of 3 pm). More money! .. Once I learn everything I need to learn, this'll probably something I will try to do.
Oh, and I went to the place where you can buy discount merchandise, tools, lost and found items that have been around too long... etc. .. The place is nuts! .. 3 buildings, each with a specific function, and lots of people scooping up all the good deals early on.. and no wonder! Building A is 10 - 35% off regular price and also has stuff like hotel lamps, carpets, pots and pans, glasses, old posters etc that are no longer needed by Disney. Basically anything Disney has that they want to throw out, they try to sell first.. And people lap it up! Building B is the best. You have to get there early and grab what you want when you see it - things fly out the door. This building is lost and found items that have basic prices (like $1 for a camera case, or charger, or sunglasses, etc).. and damaged or discontinued merchandise (which is 75% off regular price!!!) ... Put it this way... I came out with 3 bags of stuff, 6 beautiful Disney watches, a $50 dollar sweater and $35 pair of pants, along with other goodies... for only $100 bucks. Not too bad eh? I'm thinking about stopping in today before y shift, just to see how much things change in half a week. :)
K I think I'm nearing my max amount for one post, so I shall sign off with I love you guys and let me know if theres anything from this place (building A or B) that you would be interested in. Also let me know if I'm missing to tell you anything. Miss you!